A few weeks ago, I was sitting in my WW meeting - listening to our leader. She was talking about how she can tell when someone has lost weight. Their shirt is tucked into their pants and their belt shows.
I never really thought about it in those terms. I never tuck my shirt in and I hardly ever wear a belt. I mean really...what's the point? My hips and stomach have always kept my pants where they needed to be.
So it struck me completely out of the blue last week while I was preparing for a lunch meeting. I was meeting a reporter for lunch to discuss upcoming media opportunities. I went to the bathroom before I left the building and had that "Ah-ha!" moment.
I couldn't go out looking like a complete slob. My shirt was way too big and my pants...well, that's a whole other story. Since losing my ass, all of my pants fit weird in the seat and legs.
Anyway...I digress. Back to my story.
I immediately tucked in my button down shirt - exposing my belt. I know...random. I wore a belt that day. It was amazing to see that transormation in the mirror. I looked...pulled together. You could see the definition in my waist. You could even see that my belt was on the very last notch. It actually took me a minute to realize that all of the hard work that I've been putting into my transformation has actually started to come to fruition.
Needless to say...I bought my first pair of size 8 work pants that week. Here's what's even more incredible. My girlfriend owns a resale boutique - Kelly Lane Boutique. All of her clothing is to die for! If you are in the area, you should totally check her out!
Anyway. Back to incredible. So...my skinny jeans that I received at Christmas aren't so skinny anymore. They are really baggy and look horrible. I went to Kelly's on Saturday and tried on the skinny jeans that she had in her shop. For the first time in God knows how long, I tried on a size 6...AND they fit!!! Hallelujah!!!
I stepped outside of the dressing room and asked Kelly if they looked okay. I mean, really. The last time that I was a size 6 was when I was 12 years old.
Needless to say, those Citizens for Humanity skinny jeans looked amazing and they came home with me. So did the size 6 Old Navy skinny jeans. lol.
While this road definitely hasn't been easy, I'm starting to see the pay offs. It's not about clothes or new shoes. It's about transforming my attitude towards eating and most importantly...myself. I keep reminding myself that I am worth it and that I can do this.
So...here's to a stellar week of not only meeting my goals, but finally being able to be a little bit kinder to myself. Because I AM WORTH IT!!
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