On November 30th, we became the proud parents of an...elf. Emily the Elf...to be exact.
She showed up on our doorstop in a brown kraft paper bag with purple ribbon and festive red and green tissue paper that cloaked a magical gift from Santa.
You see...Emily is on a very special assignment. Santa sent her especially to our family so that she could report back to him every night on Lucas and Ellie's behavior that day. Each night she flies back to the North Pole to relay our family's information to the "big guy". I mean...how else is he going to know whether to put the kiddos on the Nice List or the Naughty List.
She even came with a book that we loved reading together.
We learned lots of things about Emily. For starters, you can't touch her - she might lose her magic if you do. And let me be clear when I say that in no way shape or form should you touch her. Ellie almost had a cow just at the thought of me having to move Emily off of the syrup bottle with my hands. That's right...all out panic mode - full of crying and irrational bouts of how Emily won't be able to return to the North Pole, how Santa will never know that she's awesomesauce, blah....blah....blah.
Secondly, Emily thinks that she is hilarious.
You see, every morning, she hides in a new location than the previous night. She does this to make sure that you know that she's watching...always watching.
Nothing spectacular happened the first night that we got her. She sat perched on our mantle in the living room.
When Saturday morning rolled around and she was still in the same spot - Ellie started asking questions. Dammit! Why didn't that crazy elf move????!!!!!
Fortunately, she decided to get off her ass Saturday night and fly back to the North Pole. Sunday morning arrived and the kiddos flew down the stairs to see if she was still sitting above the fireplace.
Thank God that she wasn't there. lol
Lucas was too tired to look for her and Ellie decided that she wanted pancakes for breakfast.
So...like any amazing mom, I asked Ellie to pull the syrup out of the fridge. This is what she found when she opened the door:
What came next were full belly laughs and excited chatter about how Emily was drinking maple syrup and in the fridge. Magic I tell you...it's amazing.
Unfortunately, the kiddo's jovial spirit didn't last. They became grumpy, lost their listening skills and were generally...little terrors.
So...this morning, Emily left them a little message
Now seriously...I would totally be good if my elf spelled it out for me - in M&M's!!!!
The babes got a kick out of her message and the fact that she spilled an entire bag of M's on the counter.
Silly kiddos. And elf. Can't forget the elf. lol
So...now we're on to day three. I wonder what will be in store for us tomorrow? Something fun, creative and clever - no doubt.