My last entry was a letter to my sweet Bean for her fourth birthday.
Every year, she picks out what type of cake she wants for her birthday. It's a tradition that my Daddy passed on to my brother and me when we were little. only seems appropriate that I pass along that tradition to my kiddos as well.
This year, Ellie's birthday fell on a Friday. That means that she would be a day care and that she needed to take her party to all of her friends in her class.
Fortunately, she wanted to bring cupcakes to her friends. Hot pink ones - to be exact. So...I obliged and created 24 mini cupcakes for her to take to school. Complete with spinkles, glitter and princess crowns.
You can see from the icing around her lips that she already sampled her sweet treat before all of her friends.
Now...we were hosting her family/friends birthday party on Sunday...two days later.
She decided that she wanted a Minnie cake for her birthday. The traditional Minnie cake pans were boring, so we decided to make a cake completely off the cuff.
I had to purchase a few new pans and start designing the cake. This is what I came up with:
Now...I don't do fondat. I'm not good at it and I find it to be incredibly frustrating.
So...I enlisted the other half of Double Dees bakery...and her mom. :)
I made the cakes earlier in the week, so all that we needed to do on Saturday was decorate the cake with buttercream icing and marshmallow fondant. you can see from the pan picture, there were three levels to this cake. The bottom level consisted of three layers.
And before you can even think about applying fondant, you have to make sure that your buttercream icing is smooth.
After we got the bottom layer finished, we started stacking the additional layers.
The second layer consisted of a small, square cake - covered in zebra print sugar sheets. To be honest, I probably should have made the zebra stripes out of black fondant. The sheets were a pain in the butt. was time to add Minnie's signature head. And...add a few finishing touches to the second level.
Finally, after six hours of working on this cake, it was finally finished.
Whew! Thank goodness! That was one crazy cake to create, but the Bean loved it and was her face says it all.
Happy birthday Bean! Until next year...xoxo

What a fun blog you have! I love the cake! You should consider keeping on because you are making a great "journal" of your lives! I often go back in my blog and see pics of my girls and I'm just so sentimental. Anyway, just flippin' through blogs for inspiration and your blog pics are so cute, so thanks! :)