Holy Hell! It's been almost four weeks since I've last written. I'm so not going to lie...I fell off the wagon...big time.
To be honest, it wasn't just my blogging wagon. It was more like...my life wagon. lol
In January of 2012, I decided that I was going on a major health overhaul. I started Weight Watchers, joined the YMCA, and decided to pick up a Zumba class. Over the course of eight months, I lost almost 30 pounds, ran my first 5k and generally felt better - physically and emotionally.
Then...I got sick.
It wasn't anything major, but I just didn't feel good for almost three weeks. While I was down and out, I decided that I wasn't exercising, I definitely wasn't blogging and I sure as hell was going to count points! I needed a break!
After my three-week hiatus, I hopped back on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, my efforts were thwarted my a stupid procedure that I had to have done while on vacation. That meant...no eating for an entire day...having the procedure done (which also meant not eating for another day)...and then being in an anesthesia fog for another day.
All in all...it equated to me not eating for three days and then totally binging on everything that I could get my hands on.
It also didn't help that all that Ellie wanted to do on vacation was bake cookies. And really...who am I to deny chocolate chip cookies to the most adorable little girl EVER?! lol
This is what happens when you let a three year old mix the dry ingredients together and put it in the mixing bowl
And come on...do you think that you would be able to exert enough willpower to NOT eat those amazingly delicious chocolate chip cookies? Yeah...me neither. My willpower was gone at the first sight of the cookie dough in the mixing bowl.
We ended up making roughly five or six dozen cookies. I ate three dozen of those delicious bastards by myself.
So...needless to say...I hopped back on the wagon yesterday in an effort to shed the nine pounds that I have gained over the course of a few weeks.
So there you have it. My wagon, my fall, and my attempt to hop back on. God...I feel like I just played a round of Oregon Trail. I hope that I don't end up with Cholera.
Oh...and p.s. In case you want to get your hands on the recipe for my Grandma Gert's Chocolate Chip Cookies, check out the recipes link. You'll be glad that you did.

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