1 - Love makes the world go 'round
2 - So do margaritas!
Okay...so I realize that I know a little bit more than just two things. For instance, I know that I HATE the layout of this blog, but don't have enough patience to sit down and figure out how to make it SUPER adorable like I want it! I also know that jeans don't fit so well after they have taken a bath. And I HATE that even more!
So where does all of this lead me? Why...to day #3 of course! I would like to say that I did REALLY well yesterday, and I did - up until my sugar was 55 before bed. Then it all went to hell in a hand basket. I drank a 7 UP and woofed down another pack of PB crackers. To be totally honest, it was incredibly delicious! Anyway...that was nine extra points that I wasn't really accounting for. Oh well. Guess it was a good thing that I played the Wii last night and earned two, that's right, two activity points!
The kiddos and I strapped on our Zumba belts last night and acted like complete idiots in our own home! Total bliss! I love it when Lucas is dancing like a comple buffoon and the game tells him that his moves are HOT!! Then...I get to hear all about it! "My moves are HOT mommy", "That's HOT", and my personal favorite, "Mommy, you are not doing so HOT. Watch me!" I mean, really?!
So, today is a new day and I'm going to succeed at sticking to this plan - even if it kills me! I even thought about going to the Y. I know....why? Here's the short answer - because I'm paying $63.90 a month and not using it! It's a total waste in my eyes! So...I am going to try and change that and make it something that I like to do - like eating!
Anyway....this post today is totally boring. I thought that I could be funny everyday! Guess I need a break. So with that in mind, I'm going to end with my motivation for the day: I WORK OUT!!

As the song goes...."I'm Lori and I know it!" or is it.... "I'm sexy and I know it!" Either way...they go hand-in-hand!
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